The president never had to decide between

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The president never had to decide between

Post by Sha704fikr »

Relations with her, who was chosen by the vice president, fell into a downward spiral soon after taking office, eventually leading to the collapse of long-standing dialogue. giving in or distancing himself from the vice president and navigated a winding path in which both his image and his promises were undermined and unable to chart a course. Tensions were evident on several occasions, the most important of which related to the International Monetary Fund agreement. Renegotiating the huge debt assumed by Mauricio Macri in Danguis.

Nelism rejected the proposal on the grounds that the coun Job Function Email List try had once again lost sovereignty over the organization. Cristina issued a scathing open letter to Alberto calling him a non-working official asking him to use his pen against the powerful and even stop answering the phone. On one occasion he even gave him a poisonous birthday gift after signing an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which gave him a Diary of the Seasons on the fifth floor. In the book, scholar Juan Carlos Torre tells how Raul Alfondo, then a civil servant, How is the Xin government here?


After signing an agreement with the fund, it was blown up. In case the information isn't clear, Christina says the book is a hit. Among the Albertans they believed that the government's failure was largely due to the permanent wear and tear on the government caused by the Vice-President and Kirchnerism. Security Minister Anibal Fernandez could not have been clearer. In a radio interview he said that Alberto Fernandez had to deal with three disasters: the pandemic war and La Campora. It’s just Christy.
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