Unfortunately have to increase

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Unfortunately have to increase

Post by Rubina9898 »

If you can answer this question I count on your help in the comments. Problem As the title of the article suggests the problem to be solved are long or demanding calculations or processes performed by the application. I will focus mainly on operations that take place asynchronously out of the Below are some examples of scenarios where the described problem may occur in an application that stores user data e.g. documents or conversation histories it is possible to export data from the application.

Each document or conversation is a separate file. The export takes place after the client sends the request and the result is sent to the client in the form of a ZIP archive on the first day Phone Number List of the month the system generates invoices for users every day at midnight reports on the use of services for the previous day are generated for system users the system periodically deletes inactive accounts in a system offering a webhooks mechanism queries that resulted in unsuccessful message delivery are repeated every minute. Solution The solution uses the age old principle of divide and conquer . Each of the cases described above can be divided into smaller sub problems.


To present the solution I will use the example of invoices. Let's assume that at midnight every first day of the month an event arrives to the website responsible for invoices GenerateInvoices Requested. Its purpose is to start the process of generating invoices for all customers. The list of steps is quite simple and comes down to downloading the customer list and generating an invoice for each customer. However instead of generating invoices for all customers in one query you can download the list of all customers and generate invoices for each customer individually. For each client you can then generate a new event GenerateInvoiceRequestedthat will contain a reference to a single client. Its recipient will also be a service for generating invoices.
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