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Is Your Blog Mobile-Friendly? 5. Your Logo Should Be And

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:37 am
by arijitkumar
4. Is your blog mobile-friendly? 5. Your logo should be consistent across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat, and hopefully your smiley photo too. 6. Give your post custom images. Ghost Mannequin Effect 7. Branding goes beyond a logo. Your key value proposition is your brand story. 8. The simpler, the better. 9. If your website doesn't have the right content, design can't save you. 10. To gain new readers, you must first earn their trust. 1. Make sure you have clear indicators of success and sufficient reasons to accomplish them.

You always want to have a clear idea of ​​what success looks like to you and why you are blogging in the first place. Set a date for your goals and you have a recipe for success. From there, it's about creating things that people want. Example - I will be successful if I have 10 email subscribers per month who want more information on how to be a better interior designer, for 6 months. Ghost Mannequin Effect The reason this spells success is that by receiving these emails I am in a better place to remarket to these people, get ready to start selling them my interior designer consultant service. 2. Most people scan before they read. Consider designing your content to help the reader generate enough interest to read the entire article. Make your content easier to scan by highlighting keywords with color, font, or background color variations.

Write meaningful, not "smart" captions. Create bulleted lists for your main posts or important information, this will help draw attention to what is actually said in the post. Ghost Mannequin Effect Write with one idea per paragraph, users will ignore any additional ideas if they aren't caught up in the first few words of a paragraph. Reduce the word count to half or less than conventional writing. Remember that today people don't have to read or pay attention to anything that doesn't interest them. If you fail to pique their interest, they will move on to something that will in seconds.