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Change of Intent(ing) - Review Sites Appear and Disappear,

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:04 am
by arijitkumar
Change of Intent(ing) - Review sites appear and disappear, for top terms An important finding that others also saw was that Google changed the SERP for top terms that don't contain "best", " top" or "review" in the query. For example, only search for humidifiers over “best humidifiers”. During deployment I saw a ton of volatility with this. T-Shirt Design service Sometimes the SERPs contain review sites and sometimes they don't… When they don't, retailers rank since Google thinks the intent is to buy rather than find reviews.

But again, that changed a lot during the deployment. T-Shirt Design service So if you were hit by the December Product Ratings Update, definitely dig deeper into the queries that dropped or rose. And see if you are among the current dance reviews on the search results. Here is a good example. For a specific main term, this product review site suddenly appeared on the first page, was removed from the first page, showed up, was deleted, etc. during deployment. When this happens across multiple major terms, it can certainly lead to a lot of volatility:Impact of the main term for product review sites. Also, Lily Ray covered similar things on Twitter (in regards to reviewed companies/products jumping in the SERPs vs sites reviewing them).

Here is one of his tweets about it Product Rating Winners: A Quick Look at What Works Well with Review Content: My original April Product Rating Update article covers a lot of information about high-quality review content. So you should definitely check out this article for more information detailing the different aspects of insightful and valuable reviews. T-Shirt Design service That said, I wanted to revisit the content of the review to further explain what I see working well, what is useful for users, and what Google seems to reward. Note that not all rising sites provide amazing review content.