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How to Stay Motivated as a Leader (16 Energizing Tips)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:42 am
by kamrul011
No business is without setbacks, and sometimes it can take your breath away and make you wonder "what's the point."The end of the past year has been like that for me - and the truth is, I just needed a rest. 2-3 days without working (even when I felt like working) and my natural motivation returned.That being said, I've found that I regularly do some of those other things that make my motivation stronger than most. Strangely, some people consider me one of the most driven people they know (if only they could see the struggle, right?) but I realize that's because I do a lot effort to stay motivated, because I know I'm doing my best work when I have great mental energy.Here are my top 16 ways to stay motivated as a leader: Woman teaching a class or workshop on the subject of energy leadership and how to stay motivated as a leader Contents1.

Find the things that drain your energy and can be passed on 2. Plan more things that you are passionate about in your job 3. Take the time to write short stories about the life of 1 person you changed for the better 4. Turn “key tasks” into daily or weekly habits so you don't waste energy on planning.5. Find “just in time” books that help give more context to key issues or opportunities 6. Find people who inspire you and study their writings + videos.7. Establish 3 Big OKRs - Objectives and Key Results8. Give yourself a reward9. Take a break.10. Listen to your body and mind, if you are exhausted your decision makingPhone Number List quality will be low.11. Make time for mentoring12. Fitness / Go out and play13. Count your wins + set a fun big goal.14. Realize that no one really cares about you.

15. Brainstorm 'RPM' - Outcome, Goal, Massive Action Plan to ensure priorities 16. Understand that it is okay to leave everything on the ground and that different times of the day have high and low energy.1. Find the things that drain your energy and can be passed on What's the point of being a leader if you can't delegate. Do you act like you don't have power when you do? Maybe you should take the next obvious step and write down 5 things you're currently doing that drain your energy, and someone else could do 80% as well as you. Delegate 2 of these things now before you read on.Your energy as a leader is extremely important.2. Plan more things that you are passionate about in your job It's so simple – but we forget to do it.We focus on KPIs or really hard things about running a business, and we forget what we LOVE about it.Write down 5 things you absolutely love about your job. What do you like to do?Put blocks of time on your calendar to do 2 of these things next week.3. Take the time to write short stories about the life of 1 person you changed for the better