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Click fraud protection tool

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:10 am
by MimJannat799
The main mistake of most sellers is to strictly follow the established conversation algorithms. As a result, the potential buyer feels false and refuses the deal. An effective way to get in touch, which can also be used in an auto sales funnel , is tripwire or a bait product. The bottom line is that the buyer is offered to buy some product for a small price that will be useful to him. Thus, a website or landing page visitor is immediately converted into a buyer. To achieve the effect tripwire must meet the following requirements: Help the client, but only partially cover the need.

Otherwise, it will not move further down the sales funnel. Be easy to use. Otherwise, while using the “bait”, the client will think about whether he needs to buy the main product. Big benefit. Tripwire should be cheap but photo editor high value for the customer. capturing the client's attention Stage 3: Introduction At the stage of acquaintance, you need to establish a friendly relationship with the interlocutor. If sales are conducted online, then you can get.


Acquainted with a future buyer through an online chat or a feedback widget. The most effective way to get to know each other is to formulate closed questions, the obvious answer to which is only “Yes”. If the interlocutor agrees with the questions of the seller several times, further conversation will be more likely to proceed in a positive way. Consequently, the transaction will close with the desired result.